Health Information Technology



HITT 1211: Health Information Systems

Credits 2

Introduction to health IT standards, health-related data structures, software applications, and enterprise architecture in health care and public health.

HITT 1301: Health Data Content and Structure

Credits 3

Introduction to systems and processes for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating primary and secondary health related information including content of health record, documentation requirements, registries, indices, licensing, regulatory agencies, forms, and screens.

HITT 1305: Medical Terminology I

Credits 3

Study of medical terms through word origin and structure. Introduction to abbreviations and symbols, surgical and diagnostic procedures, and medical specialties.

HITT 1361: Clinical I

Credits 3

A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional.

HITT 2343: Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement

Credits 3

Study of quality standards and methodologies in the health information management environment. Topics include licensing, accreditation, compilation and presentation of data in statistical formats, quality management and performance improvement functions, utilization management, risk management, and medical staff data quality issues. Approaches to assessing patient safety issues and implementation of quality management and reporting through electronic systems and approaches to assessing patient safety issues and implementation of quality management and reporting through electronic systems.

HITT 2346: Advanced Medical Coding

Credits 3

Advanced concepts of ICD and CPT coding rules, conventions, and guidelines in complex case studies. Investigation of government regulations and changes in health care reporting.

HITT 2361: Clinical II

Credits 3

A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional.

HITT 2430: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology

Credits 4

Study of the pathology and general health management of diseases and injuries across the life span. Topics include etiology, symptoms, and the physical and psychological reactions to diseases and injuries. A study of drug classifications, actions, therapeutic uses, adverse effects, routes of administration, and calculation of dosages.

HPRS 1204: Basic Health Profession Skills

Credits 2

A study of the concepts that serve as the foundation for health profession courses, including client care and safety issues, basic client monitoring, and health documentation methods.