Course Code AGAH 1353 Name Beef Cattle Production Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGAH 2313 Name Principles of Feeds and Feeding Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGCR 1341 Name Forage & Pasture Management Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGCR 1394 Name Special Topics in Agronomy and Crop Science Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGME 1170 Name Ranch and Land Management Construction Skills Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 1
Course Code AGMG 1264 Name Practicum Farm/Ranch Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 2
Course Code AGMG 1318 Name Introduction to Agricultural Economics Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGMG 2301 Name Livestock Business Management Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGMG 2312 Name Marketing of Agricultural Products Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGRI 1131 Name The Agriculture Industry Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 1
Course Code AGRI 1325 Name Marketing of Agricultural Products Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGRI 1419 Name Introductory Animal Science Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 4
Course Code AGRI 2317 Name Introduction to Agricultural Economics Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code AGRI 2330 Name Wildlife Conservation & Management Department Agriculture/Ranch and Land Management Credits 3
Course Code ARTS 1301 Name Art Appreciation Department Education, Communication and Fine Arts Credits 3
Course Code ARTS 2357 Name Photography II Department Education, Communication and Fine Arts Credits 3
Course Code BCIS 1305 Name Business Computer Applications Department Computer Information Technology Credits 3
Course Code BIOL 1406 Name Biology for Science Majors I Department Kinesiology and Sciences Credits 4
Course Code BIOL 1407 Name Biology for Science Majors II Department Kinesiology and Sciences Credits 4
Course Code BIOL 1408 Name Biology for Non-Science Majors I Department Kinesiology and Sciences Credits 4
Course Code BIOL 1409 Name Biology for Non-Science Majors II Department Kinesiology and Sciences Credits 4
Course Code BIOL 2420 Name Microbiology for Non-Science Majors Department Kinesiology and Sciences Credits 4