ENGL 1302 - Composition II Course Syllabus

ENGL 1302:


Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary research methods; critical reading of verbal, visual and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis and documentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions.


TSI Reading and Writing complete and ENGL 1301

Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Extended Hours
Contact Hours
State Approval Code
23.1301.51 12
Instructor Name
Tami Turner
Fall 2024
Meeting Time and Location
ENGL1302-512 M-F 8:44 to 9:34 AM
ENGL1302.513 M-F 9:38 to 10:28 AM
Alternate Operations During Campus Closure

In the event of an emergency or announced campus closure due to a natural disaster or pandemic, it may be necessary for Panola College to move to altered operations. During this time, Panola College may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include, but are not limited to: online learning management system (CANVAS), online conferencing, email messaging, and/or an alternate schedule. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor Panola College's website (www.panola.edu) for instructions about continuing courses remotely, CANVAS for each class for course-specific communication, and Panola College email for important general information.

Class Attendance

Regular and punctual attendance of classes and laboratories is required of all students. When a student has been ill or absent from class for approved extracurricular activities, he or she should be allowed, as far as possible, to make up for the missed work. If a student has not actively participated by the census date, they will be dropped by the instructor for non-attendance. This policy applies to courses that are in-person, online, hybrid, and hyflex.

Attendance in online courses is determined by submission of an assignment or participation in an activity. According to federal guidelines, simply logging into a distance learning course without participating in an academic assignment does not constitute attendance. Distance learning is defined as when a majority (more than 50%) of instruction occurs when the instructor and students are in separate physical locations. Students must engage in an academic activity prior to the course census date. 

When an instructor feels that a student has been absent to such a degree as to invalidate the learning experience, the instructor may recommend to the Vice President of Instruction that the student be withdrawn from the course. Instructors may seek to withdraw students for non-attendance after they have accumulated the following number of absences: 

Fall or spring semesters: 

3 or more class meeting times per week - 5 absences

2 class meeting times per week - 3 absences

1 class meeting per week -  2 absences

The student is responsible for seeing that he or she has been officially withdrawn from a class. A student who stops attendance in a class without officially withdrawing from that class will be given a failing grade; consequently, the student must follow official withdrawal procedures in the Admissions/Records Office.

Please note: Health Science and Cosmetology courses may require more stringent attendance policies based on their accreditation agencies. Please see the addendum and/or program handbook for further information concerning attendance.  

Pregnant/Parenting Policy

Panola College welcomes pregnant and parenting students as a part of the student body. This institution is committed to providing support and adaptations for a successful educational experience for pregnant and parenting students. Students experiencing a need for accommodations related to pregnancy or parenting will find a Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations Request form in the Student Handbook or may request the form from the course instructor.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course Policy

There are situations throughout the course where you may be asked to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to explore how they can be used. Outside of those circumstances, you should not use AI tools to generate content that will end up in any student work (assignments, activities, discussion responses, etc.). Use of any AI-generated content in this course without the instructor’s consent qualifies as academic dishonesty and violates Panola College’s standards of academic integrity.

Student Learning Outcomes
Critical Thinking Skills – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and syntheses of information
CT1: Generate and communicate ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing information

Communication Skills – to include effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral, and visual communication
CS1: Develop, interpret, and express ideas through written communication

Teamwork – to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goa
TW1: Integrate different viewpoints as a member of a team

Personal Responsibility – to include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making
PR1: Evaluate choices and actions and relate consequences to decision-making
Instructional Goals and Purposes

The purpose of this course is to fulfill academic requirements of the Panola College Core Curriculum and an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree.

Learning Outcomes
  1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes.
  2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays.
  3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.
  4. Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.
  5. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines (e.g., APA, CMS, MLA, etc.)
Course Content
  1. Students in English 1302 will be required to write a minimum of 3,500 words to be graded by the instructor according to the Panola College Minimum Grading Standards (see appendix at end of document).
  2. The 3,500-word requirement may include a combination of paragraphs, essays, and a research paper. A research paper is required.
  3. Students will read short stories, poems, novels, and plays as assigned by the instructor and will be required to pass unit tests over reading selections as well as supplementary materials required by the instructor, including background handouts, literary terminology, etc., at a minimum competency level of 70%.
Methods of Instruction/Course Format/Delivery

English 1302 is taught in a writing lab for both face-to-face, hybrid, and hyflex classes. Online English 1302 classes are delivered through the Canvas learning management system. Face-to-face, hybrid, and hyflex classes may include the use of Canvas as an enhancement to the course.

Students are instructed in methods of developing various types of essays over literary topics, as well as a research paper. Instruction may include lecture, assigned readings, discussion, oral and/or written responses to readings, both in-class and out-of-class writing, peer evaluation, revising and editing, and journal assignments.

Instructor-assisted writing in a computer lab is an essential component of the course. Online students interact with the instructor and with other students through email, discussion boards, chat rooms, and peer editing requirements. Online instructors determine requirements and methods of submitting drafts of essays and receiving feedback on assignments

Course Grade
  1. Essays and Research Paper – 60%
  2. Tests and Daily Work – 40%

Major Assignments/Assessments

The following items are assigned and assessed during the semester and used to calculate the student's final grade.


  1. Essays: Essay assignments include essays over topics assigned by the instructor based on readings and discussions of short stories, poems, novels, plays, and other reading selections required by the instructor. A research paper is required. Essay assignments will meet a total course minimum of 3500 words.
  2. Tests and daily assignments: Instructors may assign daily quizzes as well as unit tests


Students will write a minimum of 3,500 words consisting of a combination of paragraphs, essays, and a research paper to be graded by the instructor. Essay assignments will be graded according to the Minimum Grading Standards (see appendix). At least 60% of the course grade will be based on these assignments. The remaining 40% of the course grade will be based on tests and daily work. A final exam is required. All testing not administered by the instructor must be proctored by a Panola College testing site or by proctoring software stipulated by the instructor.

Texts Materials, and Supplies

No text is required for English 1302.

Required Readings

The college supports the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) to ensure accessible and affordable learning. Required readings and resources are selected by individual instructors and may vary by course section. Instructors may choose from a range of OER materials or other resources that best support the course objectives.


Revised: 13 Aug. 2024

Composition II, ENGL 1302.512/1302.513

Course Syllabus, Fall 2024

The official course syllabus is standard across all sections of ENGL 1302. All course syllabi can be found via search through this link: https://www.panola.edu/bulk-downloads/syllabi. There is also a copy attached in both Classroom and Canvas. Or you may request a printed copy. All students are responsible for the information in both that document AND this syllabus containing specific information for Mrs. Turner’s classes. 

Instructor: Mrs. Tami Turner

Email: tturner@panola.edu Phone: (903) 947-6486

Office: THS room 101 Office hours: 2:57-3:47 PM

Class meeting times 1302.512: M-F, 8:44-9:34 AM; 1302.513: M-F, 9:38-10:28 AM


Required Resources:

No textbook purchase required; readings will come from classroom sets of textbooks or from open resources online.

Access to Canvas — the online learning management system for Panola College

Access to Google Classroom — the online learning management system for Tatum High School


Course Grade Evaluation:

Essay Grades – 60%

Minimum 3500 words total for the course, divided among three essays, each including research 

Test Grades – 25%

Comprised of three unit exams and a comprehensive final exam, all multiple choice

Daily Quiz Grades – 10%

Primarily reading quizzes, also an oral presentation and original poetry (included in the 3500 words total 

writing for the course)

Daily Assignment Grades – 5%

In-class writings, reflective response paragraphs, essay practice, etc. (included in the 3500 words total writing 

for the course)

Grade Tracking:

A running average will be available to you in Canvas (accessible through the Panola College website). However, please note that your running average is likely to be inaccurate at various points throughout the semester. For example, if you skip an assignment, your average may appear higher than it actually is, but it will adjust as Mrs. Turner grades assignments and puts in zeros for missed work. 


From Panola College document, The Student Handbook:

Acquaintance with Policies, Rules, and Regulations 

“The standards of student conduct are subject to change by action of the College administration. Each student is expected to be fully acquainted with all policies, rules, and regulations of the College. The General Catalog, Schedule of Classes, and The Student Handbook are available online at the Panola College website www.panola.edu. Board policy is available online. Each student is responsible for compliance with these policies, rules, and regulations. Students are also responsible for compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.”

A section of The Student Handbook entitled “Violation of Policy” states, “Violations of a College policy, rule, or regulation may result in disciplinary action.”

Course-Specific Standards of Student Conduct, Rights, and Responsibilities:

Be aware that students are advised to familiarize themselves with Panola College rules, policies, and regulations. Dual credit students are required to follow rules, policies, and regulations for both their high school campus AND Panola College. However, Panola College policies take precedence over Tatum High School policies, particularly regarding matters of attendance and grades.


Attendance/Withdrawal Policies:

From Panola College document, The Student Handbook:

“Regular and punctual attendance of classes and laboratories is required of all students. When a student has been ill or absent from class for approved extracurricular activities, he or she should be allowed, as far as possible, to make up for the missed work…When an instructor feels that a student has been absent to such a degree as to invalidate the learning experience, the instructor may recommend to the Vice President of Instruction that the student be withdrawn from the course. Instructors may seek to withdraw students for non-attendance after they have accumulated the following number of absences: Fall or spring semesters: 5 absences…The student is responsible for seeing that he or she has been officially withdrawn from a class. A student who stops attendance in a class without officially withdrawing from that class will be given a failing grade; consequently, the student must follow official withdrawal procedures in the Admissions/Records Office.”

Course-Specific Attendance/Withdrawal Policies:

1. In terms of tardiness, four tardies constitute an absence. Tardy students may not be given additional time to complete any work the class has already begun.

2. If a student sleeps through any portion of a scheduled class period, that student will be deemed absent; no exceptions.

3. Any student who must be absent on official THS business (resulting in an SR in the attendance report) may have excused absences for the purposes of this course. Furthermore, any student who must appear in court, or a student who is fulfilling obligations for military enlistment (traveling for MEPS, swearing in, etc.) may qualify for an excused absence with proper documentation. However, in each of these instances, the student must provide Mrs. Turner with PRIOR NOTICE by completing a “Prior Notification of Absence” form (available in Google Classroom) and turning it in no less than twenty-four hours before the absence. 

Course-Specific Make-up Work Policy/Late Assignments:

1. Mrs. Turner does not accept late work! Prepare in advance and turn in assignments on time. No excuses!

2. Any in-class quizzes or daily grades given during an absence will result in a zero, with one exception.

3. Exception to #2: If assigned in-class work is easily completed through Google Classroom or Canvas, the student may complete the assignment online and turn it in on the same day of the absence or a later date if the due date warrants it.

4. No matter the circumstances, students WILL NOT be able to make up or receive credit for work specifically designed to be done in class (presentations, group work, etc.). If students have a scheduled Zoom meeting for a specific assignment, the same rule applies.

5. Students are responsible for all work assigned regardless of their presence or absence. This particularly pertains to reading assignments, online quizzes, responses, essay topic commitments, submitting essays, etc. An abundance of assignments are designed to allow students to work ahead, so be prepared if an absence is unavoidable.

6. There will be one designated make-up day for exams, and it will be toward the end of the semester. Note that this make-up opportunity will only be available to students who qualify for an excused absence (according to PC policies, not THS policies) and follow proper procedures by completing a “Prior Notification of Absence” form. Otherwise, students know their exam dates at the beginning of the semester, so they should plan accordingly and do everything possible to take each exam on its scheduled day, or they will receive a zero for a missed exam. 

If a student experiences an emergency that necessitates a review of any of their written policies, professors may, with the permission of the Dean, be willing to consider specific circumstances. Please communicate extenuating circumstances to Mrs. Turner as soon as possible so she can attempt to quickly and efficiently resolve any issues.

Use of Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Service:

Students in all college-level English courses will be required to submit papers/major essays to this plagiarism detection service. It is available through Canvas; therefore, all essays must be submitted for grading through Canvas.


From Panola College document, The Student Handbook:

Scholastic Dishonesty 

“Scholastic dishonesty shall include, but not be limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. 

Cheating on a test shall include: 

a. Copying from another student’s test 

b. Using test materials not authorized by the person administering the test 

c. Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student during a test without permission from the test administrator 

d. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of an unadministered test. 

e. The unauthorized transporting or removal, in whole or in part, of the contents of the un-administered test. 

f. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for one’s self, to take a test. 

g. Bribing another person to obtain an un-administered test or information about an un-administered test. 

Plagiarism shall be defined as the appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift, or obtaining by any means another’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own written work. 

Collusion shall be defined as the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work for fulfillment of course requirements. 

Electronic Devices – Students should have all cell phones, MP3 players, and other electronic devices turned off at all times when in the classrooms, recital, computer lab, piano lab, and library.” 

Course-Specific Matters of Academic Dishonesty:

1. In this course, the minimum penalty for academic dishonesty is a grade of zero on the assignment in question. However, academic dishonesty at any level is cause for removal from the course with a grade of “F” attributed.

2. In terms of AI-generated essays, please note that they are strictly forbidden by the aforementioned policies. Although it may at times be difficult to prove an essay was AI-generated, all essay topics, source requirements, and citation standards for this course make it equally difficult for AI to meet the expectations. So the resulting grade from an AI-generated essay will undoubtedly be a low one. Furthermore, be warned that if portions of any assignment are proven to have been AI-generated, that assignment grade will be a zero as discussed in item #1 above.


1. All major essays must be typed/computer generated, and must follow MLA guidelines for format and research citations.

2. Writing assignments will typically be due at the end of the day. Since the majority are submitted electronically through Google Classroom or Canvas, expect to turn in writing assignments no later than 11:59 PM on the due date. Reading quizzes likely will be due at 8:40 on the morning we will be discussing a work in class. Remember that late work will not be accepted. So even if Classroom or Canvas accidentally allows you to turn something in late, it will not be graded. You will instead receive a zero. 

3. Students must have either a personal laptop or a Tatum High School Chromebook to complete coursework. A phone or tablet is not a suitable alternative. Dual credit students will have the option to check out a Chromebook for use during both semesters. Mrs. Turner  will indicate when students may use computers during class. Any other use will be considered a disruption and will result in disciplinary action.

4. Check the posted office hours (outside the door of THS Room 101) for a conference, tutoring, or to discuss a class issue.


ENGL 1302.512 and 1302.513 (face-to-face) 

For successful completion of this course, students should expect to spend a MINIMUM of two hours per week participating in writing activities, reading assigned texts, and preparing course assignments.


Instructors reserve the right to amend and/or modify their syllabi as necessary to promote the best education possible within prevailing conditions affecting their courses.


In the event of a full lockdown (such as the Spring 2020 semester, post-Spring Break), students will continue to receive information, announcements and assignments via Google Classroom and will continue to turn in writing assignments and quizzes via Canvas. Zoom or Google Meet may also be utilized as needed for some meetings and lessons.










