AGRI 2330 - Wildlife Conservation & Management Course Syllabus

AGRI 2330:

Principles and practices used in the production and improvement of wildlife resources. Aesthetic, ecological and recreational uses of public and private lands.
Credits 3 Lecture Hours 3 Lab Hours 0
Extended Hours
Contact Hours
State Approval Code
THECB 03.0601.51.01
Instructor Name
Laura Vance
Meeting Time and Location
Online—students are expected to spend at least 6-9 hours per week reading, reviewing, and participating in assigned activities for successful completion of this course.
Alternate Operations During Campus Closure

In the event of an emergency or announced campus closure due to a natural disaster or pandemic, it may be necessary for Panola College to move to altered operations. During this time, Panola College may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include, but are not limited to: online learning management system (CANVAS), online conferencing, email messaging, and/or an alternate schedule. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor Panola College's website ( for instructions about continuing courses remotely, CANVAS for each class for course-specific communication, and Panola College email for important general information.

Student Basic Needs

Unexpected circumstances may arise, but Panola College offers various resources to support students. If you need mental health services or are facing challenges with transportation, affording class materials and supplies, or accessing food regularly—issues that may impact your class performance—please visit

Class Attendance

Regular and punctual attendance of classes and laboratories is required of all students. When a student has been ill or absent from class for approved extracurricular activities, he or she should be allowed, as far as possible, to make up for the missed work. If a student has not actively participated by the census date, they will be dropped by the instructor for non-attendance. This policy applies to courses that are in-person, online, hybrid, and hyflex.

Attendance in online courses is determined by submission of an assignment or participation in an activity. According to federal guidelines, simply logging into a distance learning course without participating in an academic assignment does not constitute attendance. Distance learning is defined as when a majority (more than 50%) of instruction occurs when the instructor and students are in separate physical locations. Students must engage in an academic activity prior to the course census date. 

When an instructor feels that a student has been absent to such a degree as to invalidate the learning experience, the instructor may recommend to the Vice President of Instruction that the student be withdrawn from the course. Instructors may seek to withdraw students for non-attendance after they have accumulated the following number of absences: 

Fall or spring semesters: 

3 or more class meeting times per week - 5 absences

2 class meeting times per week - 3 absences

1 class meeting per week -  2 absences

The student is responsible for seeing that he or she has been officially withdrawn from a class. A student who stops attendance in a class without officially withdrawing from that class will be given a failing grade; consequently, the student must follow official withdrawal procedures in the Admissions/Records Office.

Please note: Health Science and Cosmetology courses may require more stringent attendance policies based on their accreditation agencies. Please see the addendum and/or program handbook for further information concerning attendance.  

Pregnant/Parenting Policy

Panola College welcomes pregnant and parenting students as a part of the student body. This institution is committed to providing support and adaptations for a successful educational experience for pregnant and parenting students. Students experiencing a need for accommodations related to pregnancy or parenting will find a Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations Request form in the Student Handbook or may request the form from the course instructor.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Course Policy

Use of generated AI Permitted under some classroom circumstances with permission.

There are situations throughout the course where you may be asked to use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to explore how they can be used. Outside of those circumstances, you should not use AI tools to generate content that will end up in any student work (assignments, activities, discussion responses, etc.). In such cases for Option #2, no more than 25% of the student work should be generated by AI. Use of any AI-generated content in this course without the instructor’s consent qualifies as academic dishonesty and violates Panola College’s standards of academic integrity.

Instructional Goals and Purposes

The purpose of this class is to introduce students to the complex field of animal science.

Learning Outcomes

After studying all materials and resources presented in the course, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain basic ecological principles of population dynamics, habitat, succession, and Ecosystems.
  2. Describe how these ecological principles can be applied to manage wildlife populations and habitats.
  3. Contrast wildlife management strategies for different purposes
  4. Use critical thinking and scientific problem-solving to make informed decisions about wildlife and natural resources management strategies.
  5. Discuss the impact of current trends and societal issues on wildlife and increased demands on natural resources.
Course Content

Students in all sections of this course will be required to do the following:

  1. Explain the importance of wildlife conservation and management.
    1. Recount events that have influenced the history of wildlife conservation and management.
    2. Discuss classification schemes for wildlife.
  2. Explain the basic concepts of population dynamics, rate of increases in populations, and population growth.
    1. Discuss the effects of overpopulation and controlled hunting.
    2. Discuss carrying capacity.
    3. Discuss the concept of population density.
  3. Have an understanding of predation and wildlife diseases.
    1. Discuss the impact of disease on the wildlife population.
    2. Distinguish between various types of predation.
    3. Discuss diseases that affect wildlife.
  4. Have an understanding of wildlife nutrition and wildlife habitat in relation to nutrition.
    1. Discuss the impact nutrition has on the health of the wildlife population.
    2. Discuss starvation.
    3. Discuss the importance of vitamins and minerals in the diet of wildlife.
    4. Discuss the role water plays in the life of wildlife.
    5. Discuss accessibility of physical and biological components of a habitat.
  5. Have an understanding of the economics involved in wildlife management in the 21st century.
    1. Determine influential people in the area of economics as it pertains to wildlife management.
    2. Discuss the economic value of wildlife.
    3. Determine the wildlife regulating agencies and their role.
Methods of Instruction/Course Format/Delivery

Content for the course will be delivered using lecture, textbook content and online instruction. Students in traditional, hybrid and Internet classes will have access to courses via Canvas. Students in the traditional class will meet regularly for lectures. Students in the Internet class will be required to take quizzes and exams at an approved testing facility or, they may also be administered by the instructor. Students in hybrid classes will have both in class and online assignments.

Course Grade

The grading scale for this course is as follows:

  • Quizzes and Assignments – 25%
  • Tests – 50%
  • Final Exam – 25%

Grading Scale A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, F=69 and below

Major Assignments/Assessments

The following items are assigned and assessed during the semester and used to calculate the student's final grade.


The following items will be assigned during the semester and used to calculate the student’s final grade:

  • Quizzes and Assignments
    • Students will read the required material and complete quizzes and assignments over the content.  The ability to makeup late quizzes and assignments will be determined by the instructor for a reduced score.
  • Tests
    • In the online section the midterm and the final will be proctored.  The ability to make up missed tests will be at the discretion of the instructor.
  • Final Exam
    • The Final Exam will be cumulative.  In the online section the Final will be proctored.


Grading Notes:

Late Work: All listed assignments are due according to the due date provided in Canvas and on the course calendar if you do not complete the assignments on time a 10% per day penalty will automatically be applied to all assignments. If you have missed an assignment due to an approved class absence please contact your instructor for further instructions. 

Late work for an unexcused absence: There will be a 10 point reduction in the score if the assignment is turned in after the listed due date and time.  (Example:  The assignment is due at 1 pm and you submit it at 4 pm you will receive a 10 point deduction from the original score.)  There will also be a 10 point deduction for everyday the assignment is late.  (Example: If you turn in the assignment 3 days late you will receive a 30 point deduction from your original score.)

Missed Exams: Missed exams due to legitimate reasons should be taken prior to the reporting of a midterm or final grade as applicable. It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule the makeup with the instructor. The Instructor reserves the right to change the test format of any makeup. Instructors are not required to issue makeup work for an unexcused class absence Instructor also reserves the right to give full or partial credit for any makeup work that is allowed and that resulted from an unexcused absence.  

Missed Quizzes: Missed quizzes due to legitimate reasons should be rescheduled within one week of the scheduled quiz or a date assigned by the Instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to reschedule makeup quizzes. The Instructor reserves the right to change the test format of the makeup quiz.  The instructor is not required to make up work for unexcused class absences. The instructor reserves the right to give full or partial credit for any makeup work that is allowed and that resulted from an unexcused absence.


Attendance: Attendance is based on the student missing no more than 10% out of the semester without a valid excuse. After the 10%, the instructor may withdraw the student at their discretion. Any student thirty or more minutes late will be counted absent. Students that leave before class is dismissed will be counted absent.  The Instructor reserves the right to dock points for any missed class without a legitimate excuse.   Students that leave before class is dismissed will be counted absent.  

You will also be expected to show up to class on time each day.  After accumulating three tardies, each tardy will count as an unexcused absence.     

Excused absences are those due to a pre-approved school sponsored trip, a death in the family (you will need a funeral pamphlet) or a sickness (in which case a doctor’s note is required).

For face-to-face classes that meet once a week:

Attendance will be mandatory.  Roll will be taken at the beginning of every class.  At the end of the semester, any student who has two unexcused absences will be penalized one letter grade.  If a student accumulates three or more unexcused absences, the grade for the class will be an automatic “F”.  

Plagiarism: Plagiarism shall be defined as appropriating, buying, receiving as a gift or obtaining by any other means another person’s work and the unacknowledged submission or incorporation of it in one’s own written work .  Plagiarism in this class consists of copying another student’s files and using them as your own, copying another student’s projects and using it as your own, downloading a completed file and using it as your own, and/or having someone complete the work for you and using it as your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic “F” for the course.

All papers submitted to Canvas will be scanned with and the instructor reserves the right to dock points based on the results. 


Cheating: Cheating on a test shall include:

a. Copying from another student’s test

b. Using test materials not authorized by the person administering the test

c. Collaborating with or seeking aid from another student during a test without permission from the test administrator

d. Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of an unadministered test.  

e. The unauthorized transporting or removal, in whole or in part, of the contents of the unadministered test.

f. Substituting for another student, or permitting another student to substitute for one’s self, to take a test.

g. Bribing another person to obtain an unadministered test or information about an unadministered test absolutely no cheating is tolerated.

h. If a student is observed cheating they will be sent home immediately counted absent and given a zero on the assignment they were cheating on.  

 Cheating in this course will not be tolerated and can result in a “F” for the course.

Class Conduct: All cell phones should be turned off in all classes. If you must receive a call notify your instructor and step out of the classroom. No cell phones are allowed during testing. The use of cell phones (texting, calls, internet, ect.) during class will result in 5 points being taken from the students' Test grade for every offense. 

No disruptive behavior is allowed in class; if a student is being disruptive as determined by the instructor one warning will be given. If the behavior persists, the student will be sent home and counted absent. Asking of questions and discussion of relevant information in and outside class is highly encouraged; however, talking to neighbors, texting, sleeping, foul language or studying for other courses during class time will not be tolerated.

Some mandatory meetings outside of class days and time may be required to attend for credit. Valid excuses must be submitted with proof via email to your professor to avoid grade penalties.  


A student that chooses to NOT finish the course must complete the withdrawal procedure in the Student Success office in order to receive a ―W.‖ Otherwise, the student will receive a grade at the end of the semester commensurate with the work completed.

Students needing special classroom or testing accommodations because of physical or learning disabilities must contact the Student Success office before these services will be made available in the classroom.


Texts Materials, and Supplies

Wildlife Management & Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices

ISBN 13: 978-1-4214-0986-3

  • You will need to purchase the textbook as everything we do (lectures, exams, quizzes, assignments, etc.) will come directly from the book. 
Required Readings
  • The Textbook  
  • Other readings and videos as posted on Canvas