Associate of Applied Science

Associate Degree Nursing, 2-Year Traditional

Applying to the Associate Degree Nursing Program

The Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is a “closed” program and requires additional application and acceptance into the program. Admission to Panola College does not guarantee admission to specific courses or programs of study. The ADN face-to-face program can be completed in four semesters after prerequisite courses are completed. This program is taught over 24 months with summers off. A new cohort starts each fall and each spring. It is face to face, mainly weekdays. Clinicals are within a 70-mile radius of Carthage, Texas. You will be required to be on campus and/or to attend clinicals 3-4 days per week.

Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) may earn an ADN by applying to the LVN-RN Hybrid Transition Program or the ADN Traditional face to face program. The LVN-RN Hybrid Transition program can be completed in three consecutive semesters after all non-nursing courses required for the degree are completed. This track requires a student to complete online course work and be on-campus for simulation and/or lab each week plus attend assigned clinical. For more information about the LVN-RN Hybrid Transition track, please see the LVN-RN Hybrid Transition Track  catalog information.

BEFORE Applying to the ADN Program

  1. You must apply and be admitted to Panola College.
  2. Complete four prerequisite courses (per the degree plan) with a 2.5 or higher grade point average AND a minimum grade of “C” in each course. All lab courses must have been taken in the same semester and at the same school as the lecture portion of the course. No more than 2 courses may be in progress when applying. RNSG courses transferred in must have been completed within the last two years.
  3. Pass the HESI A2 with a minimum score of 80 on Reading Comprehension and Math sections and a minimum of 75 on Grammar section. This a $60 non-refundable fee and may only be taken twice within the past year. Call (903) 693-2036 for an appointment or visit this website

How to Apply to the ADN Program

  1. To schedule an appointment for mentoring and application, please select Request a Mentoring Appointment. Bring with you:
    1. HESI A2 scores
    2. Transcript evaluation completed by Student Success office
    3. Proof of required Hepatitis B immunization series or positive antibody titers by the deadline.
    4. Unofficial transcript from Panola College, if applicable.
  2. Verify official transcripts from each college or university attended were received. Send official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended to: Admissions/ Records Office, 1109 W. Panola St., Carthage, TX 75633

Requirements of the ADN Program

  • Must have a clear criminal background check (to be completed at time of application)
  • Must have a clear drug screen (to be completed after admission to program)
  • Must have all required immunizations or antibody titers.

Deadline to Apply

  • March 1st for fall admission
  • October 1st for spring admission

Important Information

  • ADN graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN). This licensure is required to work as a Registered Nurse.
  • Approximate expenses of the nursing program = $11,000.

For program-specific information and FAQs, please visit the Associate Degree Nursing website.


The ADN program has full approval status by the:

Texas Board of Nursing (BON)
1801 Congress Avenue
Suite 10-200
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 305-6816

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing Program is Continuing Accreditation.

Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

For more information, email or call 903-693-2038 for advising​

Semester III

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Advising Notes

Enrolling in RNSG courses requires admission to the program.
Non-prerequisite academic courses required for this curriculum such as ENGL 1301 may be taken during any level.

*Capstone experience: Clinical IV performance measures ensure graduates are prepared to function as a novice professional nurse.

**Must have at least a 2.5 in BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2420 & PSYC 2301

Total Credits