Online Student Conduct

In all online, proctored assignments, students must recreate as much as possible the learning environment. Students must be removed from external distractions and follow the student code of conduct as outlined in the student handbook. Students who fail to uphold the student code of conduct, who are caught or suspected of cheating on an assignment in any given online course may be required to complete the remainder of their proctored assignments, in all their online courses, under face-to-face supervision. This supervision may be on the Panola College campus or at any testing center approved by the Digital Learning Department. The decision to require face-to-face proctoring as the result of an academic honesty issue is not appealable.

Students caught or suspected of cheating in their online coursework are subject to disciplinary measures as defined by the course syllabus and student handbook. These measures include (but are not limited to) the failure of the assignment in question, the final course grade and requirement to test in a Panola College testing Center for the rest of the semester for all online courses. The appeal of a course grade resulting from online scholastic dishonesty shall be conducted in accordance with the student academic appeals process.

Students must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Dress Appropriately.
    1. Students must follow dress code outline in The Student Handbook
      1. Instructors have the right not to review exams if a student is inappropriately dressed and can require the student to retake the exam in the testing center.
  2. Take exam at a location in a quiet area of your residence
    1. If a student does not have a location available the student must contact their instructor prior to the exam.
    2. Students are required to bring a photo ID. The preferred IDs are the college student ID with photo or current driver’s license with photo.
  3. Complete a correct room scan/desk scan (if required), incomplete room scan can result in instructor not reviewing the test and student being required to retake the exam in testing center.
  4. Instructors can require additional requirements at their discretion
    1. Must be put in syllabus
    2. Approved by Department Chair