Associate of Applied Science

Associate of Applied Science

Academic Education Courses

Students desiring the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree must complete a prescribed program of study as outlined in this catalog. The student must complete fifteen semester hours of academic education courses that are indicated by bold print in each curriculum. The academic education hours must include at least one course in each of the following areas: Humanities/Fine Arts; Mathematics/Life and Physical Sciences; Social/Behavioral Sciences; and general education electives.

Component Area

Academic Elective

To meet Panola College AAS core requirements (general education courses), see individual program degree plans for specific course. Must be from the courses listed in the areas above.

Sub-Total Credits

Advising Notes

The following may not be used to fulfill the 3 required hours of Humanities/Fine Arts - ENGL 1301, ENGL 2311, SPCH 1315, and SPCH 1318.

Total Credits