Associate of Arts in Teaching

Education, Teaching EC-6/4-8 Grade Levels, EC-12 Special Education

This program is designed to provide students with the first two years of a four-year degree leading to teacher certification at the EC-6, grades 4-8, or EC-12 Special Education. The Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) is a specialized academic associate degree program designed to transfer in its entirety to a baccalaureate program that leads to initial Texas teacher certification.

Semester I

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits

Semester III

Course Code
Sub-Total Credits


Advising Notes (see EDU advisor for specific transfer requirements)

  • Students who are planning to teach EC-6, grades 4-8, or Special Education should be enrolled in the Associate of Arts in Teaching program, EC-6, 4-8, Special Education EC-12.
  • Students who are planning to teach a specific subject in grades 6-12, 7-12, or 8-12 should be enrolled in the Associate of Arts in Teaching program, Grades 6-12, 7-12, 8-12, Other EC-12. See EDU advisor for certification area hours.
  • Students should work closely with advisors at transfer universities to review transfer plans BEFORE completing the AAT at Panola College.
  • In selecting specific core curriculum classes, refer to the Core Curriculum page for Associate of Arts in Teaching. Recommended courses vary based on requirements at specific transfer universities - see EDU advisor for specific MATH courses.
  • For students transferring to UT Tyler, PSYC 2314 is required instead of BCIS.
  • For students transferring to SFA or part of the Panola/SFA Pathway, TECA 1311 is required. Taking TECA 1311 with Panola will reduce your hours at SFA by three.
Total Credits