Health Services

Health care facilities are not offered on the main campus or on off-campus sites. If an accident or emergency occurs on campus, first aid will be administered, and additional assistance, if needed, will be requested from the local hospital’s emergency service. The cost of any professional service is the responsibility of the student. Students are encouraged to have medical insurance coverage from a company of their own choosing. Information concerning a sickness and accident insurance policy available to students and their dependents is available. Inquire in the Business Office.

Panola College has partnered with Hope Community Medicine at their Carthage, Center and Tenaha locations to offer students two $10 basic healthcare visits each semester.  Hope Community Medicine offers medical and behavioral health services.

Panola College offers free professional and confidential counseling services to students currently enrolled.  Call 903-693-1132 or email to schedule an appointment on the Carthage campus.  Options for virtual counseling are also available.