The academic year consists of two long semesters, composed of sixteen weeks each. In addition, two summer sessions are offered of approximately five weeks in length. Semester starting and ending days are established by following the dates specified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Academic Year
Policies & Regulations
- Student Complaints and Appeals
- Guiding Principles
- Complaint/Appeal Process
- Academic Year
- Change of Name or Address
- Class Attendance
- Class Load Information
- Class Schedule
- Degree Plans
- Grade Reports
- Grading System
- Hazing
- Incomplete Grades
- Repeating a Course to Improve a Grade
- Repetition of Courses
- Review of Records
- Scholastic Probation
- Scholastic Suspension
- Senate Bill 1231 (Six Drop Rule)
- Sexual Harassment
- Student Classification
- Student Conduct
- Student Records
- The Dean's List
- The President's List
- Transcript Requests
- Unit of Credit
- Withdrawal from a Course
- Withdrawal from College